Peter’s Perspective

Dear diary, 

Turning around to my home just to see carbon flying around my town, the unpleasant cries of people looking for their loved ones, I looked one more time to remember all of the memories I had made. 

I hated walking that long. My body was in pain. I was frustrated from walking, my legs felt like they wanted to come off. After walking for a long period of time I thought that this nightmare would end but I was mistaken.

The people finally stopped walking then they sat down for a break. It was a devastating night, the gentle blow of the winter air made it chilly but everyone huddled up to be warm. I was squashed. People started to sleep and some were praying. I thought to myself, will I ever get out of this endless nightmare? 

This Is Me

Naimbag nga bigat!  My name is Georzen, I go to Saint Patrick’s school. I am a year 7 and my teacher is Ms George.  My favorite subject is science. I enjoy exploring outer space. When I am bored I will sometimes look after  my siblings for fun. My goal this year is to try my hardest in my work.

My Trinity

The father represents  how he always forgives our sins.

The son represents how he died on the cross for our sins.

The holy spirit represents that God is with us all.

The Water Cycle

Yesterday on the 4th of November we were making our own water cycle. Mr Bell showed us how to make a water cycle on some plastic bags. All you need is a plastic bag, some blue dye and a permanent marker.  There are  four parts of the water cycle: the first one is obvious the first one is collection. collection is when   the water cycle steps begins with evaporation. It is a process where water at the surface turns into water vapors. Water absorbs heat energy from the sun and turns into vapors.

the second part is evaporation, Evaporation is from lakes and  oceans. After the sun heats up the puddles and lakes, the water from its source  will expand till it turns into gas. 

the third part of the water cycle is Condensation, Condensation is the process by which water vapor  gas turns into liquid. It happens when the atoms  of water vapor cool and collect together as liquid water.

The fourth part is precipitation, Precipitation is when the water inside the cloud gets too heavy then when it falls and it will rain,snow or hail. Then it will repeat the progress everyday. and it will continue again and again and it will never stop.





Georzen’s Creative Writing

Yesterday on Thursday of  September 19 we started a new activity about writing but we have to start a new story after four sentences or five is called lifting a line.It is really simple to lift a line all you have to do is find a picture like abandoned houses or something else also you have  let your mind come up a story. for example for this picture,




“Long time ago deep in the forest there was a house but not an ordinary house it was like an island because there was crystal clear  water surrounding it. When you look at it’s reflection you can see a palace researchers have investigated it for a long…”


that’s an example  of my writing   now after you made a story 4 or 5 sentences long the next thing you do is pick the best sentence then start a new story with that sentence


During Thursday, we had cycling today because it’s in the school curriculum. Our coaches were both girls whose names are Stephanie and Lucy. Most of us were usually excited and couldn’t wait because we were lucky to have another lesson for cycling this year. She first showed us these tickets with the words; ‘reckless driving’, and it made me think about speeding tickets. Stephanie said that they’re temporary and can help you to get better. Stephanie is on the left and Lucy is on the right.

After the reckless driving tickets, Stephanie showed us a red ticket, again, made me think into the past where I watched football matches with people getting a red ticket. She said that it’s similar to what happens when a player gets a red card but when it’s put into driving. She said that hopefully we wouldn’t get any of the red tags and even the reckless driving cards. Luckily, we didn’t get any cards but some of us still crashed which was pretty funny.


After showing those cards, Lucy showed us a helmet and said to check the 4 s’s on the helmet; Shell, Styrofoam, Straps and stickers. To check the shell, check if there are any large dents or cracks. The scratches are fine. For the styrofoam now, squeeze the helmet with the shell facing you, and if it moves, you have to change it. If it also has large dents or cracks you have to also change it. Next, straps. There shouldn’t be any rips in the straps but you should change it. The last and final one, stickers. Check the sticker if it has a bicycle picture on it or if it has the word, bicycle on it.

We all checked our helmets and got more instructions to wear it; first wear your helmet and feel the screw that should be behind your head. Turn the screw to the loud side or the right side. Use your pointer/index finger and your middle finger, then, put those 2 fingers on your forehead. If the helmet is past the 2 fingers, turn the screw to the left side. If it’s too close to your hair, turn the screw more to the right side. Next, clip your straps together and make them more tighter with the 2 straps on the side. Use your 2 fingers again under your neck and make the straps touch your fingers.

After doing those steps, shake your head facing your feet and get your 2 arms to catch the helmet. The helmet should stay on your head a little tight.

Stephanie got 2 people to say vegetables which were carrots and broccoli. I was in carrots. One went with Lucy and the other went with Stephanie. Next, Lucy showed us how to check our bikes, which is ABCDDQ. The first one, A, is air. Check the wheels if it’s firm like a hard potato not a soft potato. Second, B, is brakes. Use your 2 fingers like last time on your brakes and press them. Push the front and back wheel, They should have had the back and front wheel go up.

 Third, chains. The chain in the back wheel should look like the colour grey and black. There can be bits of rust but not big clumps of rust or you will  have to change it. The 1st D, direction. Use your legs and press them together with the front wheel in the middle of your legs. The control bar for the bike shouldn’t really move.

The 2nd D, Drop. Drop the bike only a little close to the ground and listen close for any funky and weird noises. The last one Q, quick release.There should be 3 quick releases on the front, back and seat. To check it, press down the quick release and pull it gently.  You can also adjust the seat by opening the quick release and putting it back on the seat height you want.

My group and I got our bikes and went to the bottom court and followed her instructions once again to check our bikes, then we played green light red light in a circle. Then, Lucy showed us how to use gears. Gear 1, the biggest gear, is the easiest gear. Gear 8, the smallest  is the hardest gear. You can use gear 1 for mountains and Gear 8 for sand and concrete.


Rippa Rugby Tournament

Last week on the 28th of August, Rm 6,Rm 7 and Rm 8 went to the Rippa Rugby Tournament at Dunkirk park. At around 8:30 am everyone had to meet under the canopy in their teams so we could have karakia. We got our belts and waited for Mr Bell to give us instructions before leaving. We left at around 8:45 to start walking to Dunkirk. We got there around 9:15 and set up our mat and most of us took their shoes off and started warming up. At 10:20 St Patrick’s yr 7 & 8 team 1 first game started and since no other St Patrick teams started, we all went to watch that one game.After a period of time  we got to field 4 which was the field we were going to play on we got our tags and my team started playing.  The first person in my team that scored a try was Graziel. After playing we gave thanks to Panama road school for having a great time playing with them.

 Since we had like 20 minutes till our next game, a few of us went to our bags and got some snacks and got a drink of water before going back to watch the other school match. At 11:40 our next game against Panmure bridge school was coming up so we made our way to field 1.We started Playing against them and it was pretty fun to play against them. After we played against Panmure bridge we played  against Stan Hope school.

We had a long time till our next game so we just spent some time watching a few other games till we had to go back to field 1 to play against Point England school. While waiting for the  tamaki school’s tent flew away and all the students had to run back and save their tent. Anyways I was kinda anxious to play against them but it was really fun. When playing against Pt England, Graziel scored like 3 tries against them and we actually won. Sadly Pt England was our last game so we pretty much went back to watching other people till it was St Patrick’s turn.

Once our last game finished we packed everything and took one last photo of everyone who played before leaving around 2;00 pm.Once we got back back to school I went straight home because I was really tired and wanted to sleep.                                                                                                  Anyways the games were really fun and I would do that again.I was really happy when we won two games

Why Mission Day Is Important To Us

Mission Day is a once a year event at St Patrick’s Panmure where all students collect money for the people from holy angels orphanage in India.

We do Mission Day because our partner, Holy Angels Orphanage and Children’s Home in Kalyanpur, India, needs money and food. So we get food cans like corn,beans,spaghetti  and people like our parents give a donation or do an amount of money, say like 20 cents each question

What is Mission Day?

Mission Day is when we do stands in our schools which do games, wool and clay figurines and loom band bracelets, which sell them from prices of 50 cents to two dollars, then, we donate all of the money we got from stands, donations, and the money we got after how much questions we got right in our test, then we donate them to charity and the needy.

When did Mission Day Start?

Mission Day started from our founder, Euphrasie Barbier, who went to New Zealand to spread the word of God. Here is the Link for more Information on the Holy Angels.

Mission Day is starting on September the 13th so look in our blogs for how much money we raised!

Dragon Ball

Mr Bell had read us 10 of the Dragon Ball books and watched the series, we all loved it but Mr Bell said next term we were going to write our own story of Dragon Ball, we were doing drama of Dragon Ball, heaps of activities and drew the characters. I found the start challenging and the center of the writing  because I couldn’t think on what to do so I looked at other peoples writing for some help. We had to blog a part of our work so here is some of my writing:


Goku was fishing for  his family’s dinner. He caught a huge fish on his rod. The fish was really tough so Goku started to pull. Goku heard something lurking in the bushes and he had to let go of the huge fish. Goku was curious what was in the bushes as he got closer The bushes became more silent and silent as Goku got so really close. Something came out and attacked him with something he was unconscious for two hours his family was really worried about Goku. Goku has forgotten what happened so he just came back home and slept the whole day.


After Goku slept the whole day Chichi, his  wife and his child Gohan. His child was named after Goku’s Grandfather they were starving so Chichi screamed at him “GOKU WAKE UP!” But Goku did not respond so she tried to splash water on him but still no response then Chichi finally gave up and ordered takeout for Gohan and herself.


A few days have passed and Goku has still not woken up. Chichi was so worried that she called the doctor. The doctor didn’t know what happened so he told her to let him rest. But one day at 11:55pm he had woken up but Goku’s eyes weren’t open. Chichi saw him and she hid till he went back to bed.


When Goku went to bed, Chichi locked the door till Goku did it again. At the same time Goku started to smash the door open Goku was even screaming after hours and hours Goku. finally gave up and went back to bed. Chichi was so terrified that she bored the door, then at 11:56 he was banging the door really hard. It felt like a light earthquake. Goku managed to break the door open. Chichi heard Goku when she came and hid his eyes were open but it was pitch black.               


When Chichi saw Goku she was traumatised by Goku’s looks, she quickly went to Gohan’s bedroom to hide with him  when Chichi was in Gohan’s room he was missing. Gohan had  left his room. He was in the hallway about to go down stairs Chichi was running to a near cabinet to hide in. Chichi came before even Gohan went down stairs. Goku was calling  Gohan to go downstairs. Goku said in a calm voice Gohan   Gohan was about to go down before hearing a whisper Gohan heard Gohan I heard it to not go down.

Chichi held Gohan’s hand and  went to the nearest room  and blocked the door with a cabinet and drawers. GOHAN! Goku screamed at Chichi and Gohan. They knew that their life was over but luckily there was a window big enough for both of them to go in. There was a bunch of hay so Chichi and Gohan jumped  one by one Gohan was first he landed without any injuries but when Chichi jumped she got an injury on her ankle she could not scream or walk so Gohan helped her. When Gohan was helping his mum they remember that they had a tent so Gohan and Chichi slept there. The next morning Goku finally woke up and went to look for his family. After 8 hours Goku saw Chichi injured and asked his wife what happened to you Chichi replied we jumped out the window to escape you me? While I was asleep I was fighting someone that looked like me. It was strong  but after one month I finally defeated it.         

Before everything happened Goku got hitted by a tranquilizer. He was unconscious and was brung to a lab to make an evil copy of himself. It took them a short period of time and took the evil one there.

When Goku woke up he was like in jail. He decided to live for a month then he got bored and went back home little did he know that his evil version was stronger. Goku was using most of his power but did the Ka Me Ha Me Ha! Then his evil version of himself burned and turned to ashes.


Kia Ora. This week on Cybersmart we are commenting on other peoples blogs.

The labels  were welcoming other people, being positive, greeting people and being helpful. Here is the comment that I put on Pio’s blog.